Friday, September 7, 2007

Totally stinkin' awesome

So, I was much more excited than I should have been to find that Baltimore has a women's roller derby team! I think my cousin (Krissy) and I will try and go to THE CHAMPIONSHIP in October. Stinkin' awesome!

Roller derby, anyone?


Kylie said...

Peter hath a blog! Huzzah!

Julia said...

peterrrrr you have a blog and that makes me happy. yay, more to read on the internet. :)

davidkmercier said...

Peter, my weight lifting partner, I hope you are well. Be careful at the championships, I hear those women can get pretty nasty. I recommend wearing a helmet or something with protective qualities!

SuperTeacher said...

Cellar Door. Good title I must say. I think you need to say a little something about your first day of work...just a thought. ;)